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Welcome to the homepage of the new project - TrPlayer.
TrPlayer (The transparent player), is a project built in Delphi, designed to be the best simple and flexible player ever made.

This player allows you to load files in these formats:

It is very flexible by letting you change every small part of the application, as the text fonts, select background color, and most importantly, selecting the transparent percent.

Although, TrPlayer was not made only for this use.
A few months ago, I was searching a good media player written in Delphi through SourceForge, but I didn't find what I was looking for.
That is also one of the reasons of building TrPlayer, letting other people use my source code for learning.

You can download TrPlayer or it's source through this page.

Join me

TrPlayer is currently managed and built by one person, and I would like to change that.
If you are a Delphi / Kylix programmer, or even a designer, and you are interested in joining this project, please visit this page.